Your Personal Social Network
Birp is your home to stay in touch with all your groups. Connect with friends, family, colleagues and interest groups in a hyper social format without the noise of social media.
Never lose touch with your group
Always know your group's whereabouts, whether for safety or socializing. Hit the gym, plan a coffee date, get productive or just chill with your group on the go.
No more failed plans!
Plan events with your group easily. Whether it is hitting the club on the weekend, a friend's bday, a spontaneous trip, or a concert, invite your group and make IRL memories more frequently.
Discover new people and passions
A world of groups awaits you! Join new groups in your neighborhood or explore new interests. Whether to learn something new or a support group to stay in check, you can find groups for everything here.
Always stay in sync
Stay updated on your groups plans! Whether it is planning a coffee meet, a hike or just know your friends schedule, birp lets you add plans to your group calendar with ease.